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Alex Held

Director, CSIRO Centre of Earth Observation

How I work with Harvest

Dr. Alex Held works with Harvest on capacity building in the use of EO. He works with USAID's SERVIR Hubs in East Africa, Nepal, West Africa, and Mekong. His work emphasizes a strong rangelands focus in order to improve contribution to GEOGLAM’s Rangelands and Pasture Productivity (RAPP) Initiative. 


Dr Alex Held is currently a Research Group Leader of Landscape Observation and Simulation Group of the CSIRO Land and Water Flagship. Alex is also serving as the Director of the AusCover remote sensing data facility that is part of Australia’s Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network – TERN, which provides free and open access to various satellite datasets. Previously he served as Head of COSSA (the CSIRO Office of Space Science and Applications) from 2004 -December 2007, representing Australia at several space-related international committees, and served as member of the National Committee for Space Science of the Australian Academy of Science.
He is also a member of the International Science Team for NASA’s upcoming HyspIRI hyperspectral satellite mission, and was the 2016 Chair of the international Committee on Earth Observation Satellites – CEOS. He is a plant physiologist from the University of California, Davis, and has been linking remote sensing and vegetation mapping at CSIRO since arriving in Australia 22 years ago.

Alex Held