NASA Harvest Meets with Rwandan Space Agency Leadership

During a September visit to Kigali, Rwanda, the NASA Harvest Africa team met with leadership at the Rwanda Space Agency (RSA), building off a virtual introductory meeting earlier in the summer. This productive meeting enabled our two institutions to learn more about each other and for us to explore opportunities for collaboration. Since the trip, exciting steps forward have been taken.

The meeting revealed several potential opportunities for collaboration, and the two teams went through technical troubleshooting and identified streams for continuing our work together. Harvest has developed several tools that can be utilized and improved upon by RSA, including methods and tools for field data collection, cropland, and crop-type mapping.

The Harvest/RSA partnership is expected to be a highly fruitful partnership that will support the Harvest research mission and aims to help strengthen our global partners' institutional capacity through collaborative engagement.

Harvest Africa team members meeting with leadership at the Rwanda Space Agency in September 2022.



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