Dr. Matt Hansen and UMD GLAD team host Latin American organizations for Landsat Cropland Map Training
On March 6th-8th, NASA Harvest scientist Matt Hansen and his GLAD team hosted representatives from Latin American organizations including Agroindustria Argentina, SIAP (Servicio de Informacion Agroalimentaria y Pesquera) of Mexico, INIA (Instituto de Investigaciones Agropercuarias) of Chile and Conab (Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento) of Brazil in a training for learning how to utilize NASA/USGS Landsat data to generate national-scale cropland maps in the context of GEOGLAM's Latinoamerica efforts and outreach.
The training took place over a one week workshop using time series Landsat data to provide supervised learning of cropland mapping. The product had 2017 national cropland extent with 30m spatial resolution. This work provided proof of concept of low latency, large area mapping of cropland extent. Such training workshops and international coordination related to Earth observations will continue under Harvest's program of work, including at an upcoming Latin America Geospatial Symposium in Mexico in November 2018.